Migrant Kids at School

Follow the current events in the Migrant Kids at School project here:

Project Website

Europe is becoming an increasingly frequent destination for the migration of people from different corners of the world. The influx of migrants to Europe is the result of diverse factors and motivations. Some seek better economic opportunities and a future for their family, others flee conflicts and wars in their home countries, while others move because of political or economic crises.

With the influx of migrants to European countries, their children also come, and this brings unique challenges for European schools and education systems. Migrant children often face many difficulties, such as overcoming the language barrier, integrating into a new social and cultural environment, and navigating a new educational system. The inclusion and integration of these children into European schools becomes a key task for educational institutions and their teaching staff.

Supporting migrant children in education

The “Migrant Kids at School” project aims to create an inclusive environment in schools that promotes equality and justice and ensures that every child has access to quality education. By sharing experiences and expertise from different countries, the project will present effective strategies for supporting migrant children in their educational process. Through collaboration and cooperation, we can change the lives of these children and contribute to building a more inclusive society.

During the project, we will organize workshops and training aimed at improving the understanding and implementation of inclusive practices. These events will be intended not only for teachers and school management, but also for other relevant actors, such as social workers or workers with migrants. At the same time, we will create digital tools that will support project management and enable better monitoring and tracking of progress.

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Project Results

The outputs of the Migrant kids at school project include a detailed description of strategies and implementation of best practices, together with recommendations for policies for migrant children in new school systems. We will also provide practical advice and tips for teachers and schools on how to better integrate migrant children into the educational process, including preventing bullying and improving communication with parents.

  1. “You’re Welcome” – Description of best practices – description of each strategy and its implementation and recommendations (conclusions) for the policy of migrant children in new school systems.
  2. Children with a migrant background” – tips for schools, teachers working with children who do not speak the language on: how to involve the child in teaching, how to integrate in teaching, building empathy and preventing bullying and communicating with parents.
  3. Info-pack videos – multimedia materials in the languages of migrants and in English about the local school culture, low-threshold and procedures for inscriptions, school rules, rights and obligations of the pupil.

In this way, the project contributes to strengthening quality, inclusion and equity in education systems and supports creativity and innovation.

International team

The “Migrant Kids at School” project started at the end of 2023 and experts from five European organizations are working on its outputs, in addition to the PELICAN association, these are:

Pictures from the first Study Visit in Krakow, Poland in May 2024

Interested in more information?

If you are interested, we will be happy to come to you and present the project to you, organize a workshop for your employees, provide consultation for, for example, a thesis, etc. Help us raise awareness of topics that really matter.
