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LET’S PLAY WITH LANGUAGES! Manual of activities and games for children and parents, designed specifically to promote multilingualism
The Multilingual Families Clubs project activities are designed to help teachers of languages, including Czech for foreigners, to maximize the motivation of the children from families with more than one language to communicate in their parents’ languages. They are also meant to encourage parents to raise their children to learn and retain their family languages.

MultiLib: Book of Activities
The Book of Activities contains 27 various activities aimed at the exploitation of the stories described in the books. With the outputs of the project, teachers in primary schools will be able to develop the sense for social inclusion, enhance intercultural understanding, support pride for their origin and culture at children from ethnic minorities, develop competences vital for their future employment and enjoy cooperative education activities, based on creativity and fun.
Don’t Give Up!
aPLaNet Teacher’s Guide
Why raise children multilingual?
Activities to support multilingualism at school
What teachers schould know about multilingualism
Best Practices for Creating Educational Videos
Video as a Learning Resources