Vzdělávací projekty

Díky zapojení do evropských projektů můžeme našim studentům nabídnout inovativní výukové metody a zajistit vzdělávání našich lektorů. Na projektech spolupracujeme s řadou významných evropských organizací.

Hledáme příležitosti pro další rozvoj našich znalostí a zkušeností a možnost přispět tak k úspěšné realizaci vašeho projektu.

Vzdělávací projekty, na kterých se PELICAN podílel:

Ve spojitosti s EU projekty vám pomůžeme s:

  • koordinací a celkovým řízením projektu
  • vývojem metodik pro výuku cizích jazyků založených na využití technologie
  • multimediálními učebními pomůckami a nástroji pro učitele i studenty
  • návrhem a realizací vzdělávacích kurzů pro učitele
  • webdesignem a vývojem webových stránek
  • interní a externí evaluací projektů


PELICAN provides educational opportunities in the field of higher and adult education. Since it was founded in 2002, it has transformed from a school of languages to an adult education centre.

Currently it offers the following educational opportunities to adult learners:

  • Language learning
  • Language exams
  • Language courses for post-secondary students accredited by  the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in the Czech Republic
  • Czech exams for foreigners
  • Re-/Up-skilling courses accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport in the Czech Republic
  • Personal and professional development courses
  • Basic skills courses
  • Teacher training

PELICAN not only specializes on language education, but also on retraining courses. The courses are focused on the field of business, finance and management and they help learners to assert themselves on labour market. The experience with these courses gives PELICAN a good base to work on regarding this project to understand how to properly treat adult learners and how to motivate them enough to finish their education.


PELICAN has developed its own method of language learning called Pelican Active Learning System (PALS), which encourages and promotes the students’ activity, independence and creativity and enhances the process of language acquisition by incorporating elements of Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Communicative Language Teaching and Language Immersion.


The school has also developed its own method of teacher training in PALS. PELICAN develops methods of teaching of foreign languages and provides training for preschool, primary, secondary, vocational and higher education. This entails collaboration with schools and universities in the Czech Republic and abroad.


The development of digital, multimedia-rich teaching and learning materials – has been picked up by key persons of the organization in the past EU initiatives which involved the development and production of audiovisual materials and multimodality resources for Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). The organization has both personal and technical capacity to produce and deliver high-quality videos in a manner which is attractive for various target groups.


The main fields of expertise of PELICAN members lies in the following areas:

  • Coordination and overall management of projects
  • Technology-based methodologies and tools for language learning
  • Development of resources for educators
  • Development of digital, multimedia-rich teaching and learning materials
  • Development of audio and video learning materials
  • Development of MOOCs (Mass Online Open Courses) for the public
  • Design and implementation of teacher training courses
  • Web-design and development
  • Internal and external evaluation


Accredited courses



PELICAN has been actively involved in Lifelong Learning Programme and Erasmus+ projects since 2006. The members of the association have considerable experience in international European Commission funded projects aimed at the development and implementation of innovative teaching and learning resources and methodologies.


PELICAN was the coordinator of the Don’t Give Up project which won a 2010 European Language Label award. The project aimed to promote and improve the quality of foreign language learning at European level.


In addition to that, PELICAN has participated in a number of successful EU projects:


PELICAN has been mainly responsible for pedagogical aspects of European projects, especially in terms of research, design and framework of teaching methods, resources for teachers, trainings and workshops.



PELICAN collaborates with a number of private and state educational organizations and authorities, including adult education centres and job centres.


Our mission is to serve the needs of students and educational community by supporting, collaborating and partnering with local, regional and state non-profit organizations and providing quality products, programs and professional services.


PELICAN seeks to build a network of other NGO’s engaged in similar activities in the Czech Republic and abroad. It uses its premises to hold community based cultural events, and to provide class rooms and meeting space to other non-profit organisations. It actively pursues participation in EU projects of an educational, cultural, social, and entrepreneurial nature.



For any project-related field,… contact Vladimír Vaďura, vadura@skolapelican.com.

Vzdělávací projekty
Vzdělávací projekty
Vzdělávací projekty
Vzdělávací projekty
Vzdělávací projekty
Vzdělávací projekty

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