School Rules

1.General Rules

The organisation Škola Pelican is in compliance with Education Act no. 561/2004 Coll.

PELICAN Language School is a private organisation. Terms and Conditions are agreed upon with its clients at its own discretion.

All terms and conditions for collaborative work and studying with PELICAN Language School are explained in the following paragraphs. These terms and conditions ensure that PELICAN Language School operates within the framework of educational laws and implements the teaching process, as well as the rights and obligations of its students.

Every student who enrols in PELICAN Language School’s post high-school studies during the school year, immediately after their final exams, has the right to ‘student status’. Student Status ensures the student receives social security benefits, health insurance, tax relief, further discounts and benefits. For up-to-date information on the school, students can go to the organisation’s website or visit the school office. To resolve individual problems or obtain more information the student can contact the school’s office by telephone +420 725 441 935 or +420 774 742 296, by email at, or by visiting the school office during working hours (8.00 am to 7.00 pm Monday-Friday).

2. Student Rights and Responsibilities

2.1 Student Obligations

Students are obligated to abide by the school’s rules and safety regulations. If a student does not follow these obligations then he/she runs the risk of being removed from the course with no entitlement to compensation. Students should also familiarise themselves and keep to regulations on appropriate behaviour and activities. These are available at the school office.

Students are obligated to follow all rules on behaviour and social coexistence set out by the school.

Students should also be respectful towards one another and clean up any dishes they have used once they are done with them.

Students are expected to have their own study materials per instructions given to them by their teacher. After getting their teacher’s approval, students may also make a copy of the study material, for a fee, at the school office. In this case the student is expected to respect all laws regarding author rights’.

2.2 Student Rights

If dissatisfied with the course, students have the right to ask for a change of teacher. The student must naturally be able to support all his/her problems with objective and specific instances. This then must be ratified by another staff personnel in the form of a recorded inspection. Students can also go to school office staff who can help resolve the situation.

If a student does not understand something they have the right to ask their teacher for an explanation. Students should also be respectful when arguing their point of view and making sure that they take into account other classmates’ opinions so as not to disrupt the class.

Students are allowed to use the communal areas in the school during breaks, including the school kitchen, but must respect the school rules.

3. School’s premises

No smoking is permitted on the school premises

Students and Teachers are obligated to look after school property, making sure that it is not damaged nor in danger of affecting student and teacher safety. While any damage caused to the property is the student’s responsibility, the school will pay any costs which arise from repairs.

The school is not responsible for looking after students’ possessions.

When the office is not open students are responsible for closing the school premises and preventing unauthorised visitors from accessing the site.

4. Treatment of School Property or School Equipment

Students are not permitted to tamper with school property, unless given permission to by a staff member (school property includes heaters, printers and copying equipment, audiovisual technology etc..).

The student must also follow instructions given by both teachers and other authorised personnel. The student must also use classroom equipment as well as the school’s communal spaces in a responsible fashion. Damage of school property, inflicted either deliberately or carelessness, will incur a corresponding cost.

5. Health and Safety

5.1 General Rules

Health and Safety training is delivered to office works and management at the start of the school year. Health and safety rules are available for consultation to every student at the school office. A student agrees to all of the school rules when he/she signs the language course contract or the attendance register.

Students should adhere to all school rules, regulations and guidelines concerning health and safety as well as follow the instructions given by staff members.

5.2 Risk Mitigation

Students are obligated to adhere to health and safety regulations.

On the school premises students are forbidden from smoking, drinking, possessing, distributing, selling and consuming alcoholic beverages, drugs and other harmful substances. In addition, any type of gun or knife, tampering with risky chemical substances, interfering with electrical appliances and tampering with electrical appliances is also forbidden.

5.3 Student Injury

Under the school’s rules, a student is injured when the incident takes place during instruction or through a directly related activity. Contrarily, a student is not ‘injured’ when the incident occurs on the journey to and back from the school.

Any accident that affects a student whilst he/she is at the school is then the responsibility of another student to immediately notify a member of staff. The staff member will then either help the student, or if need be call for first aid. The staff member is also responsible for ensuring that the student’s accident has been dealt with and that the cause of the incident has been removed.

6. Post-Secondary Courses

Post-Secondary Studies is categorised under ordinance 322/2005.

Instruction takes place at Lidická 9 at PELICAN Language School and at Kundelova 8 on the premises of Brno Secondary Technical School.

Entry requirements for the course are a completed application form, available on-line on the school’s website or in paper form at the school office, and punctual payment of course fees in accordance with the current price list.

6.1 Attendance and Absence from Post-Secondary Courses

On year long post-secondary courses and courses which include benefits to students attendance is obligatory.

A student’s attendance is recorded. If the student is absent for more than 30% of the course he/she might be removed from the course without the possibility of claiming back compensation on tuition fees. Immediate disqualification will mean that the student will lose their student status.

6.2 Organisation of the School Year

Post-Secondary Studies are exclusively taught face-to-face. Lessons are 4 hours long, Monday-Friday. The school year starts on the 2nd September 2019 and finishes on the 30th June 2020.

All holidays are organised according to the Organisation of the School Year issued by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports.

The management of the school has the right to claim administrative leave for valid technical or organisational reasons.

At the beginning of the school year students are allocated to classes according to their language level which is determined by a placement test. The student may inform the course coordinator his/her availability for lessons, however the school cannot guarantee this, owing to the limited amount of classes that can be altered. In light of this, student’s preferences are taken into consideration last. Consequently, assignment to a desired class is not possible and any dissatisfaction incurred will not count towards a valid reason for reimbursement of course fees. (See Chapter. 7).

6.3 Certification for Post-Secondary Courses

Upon completion of a course, the student will receive a certificate of completion. A student will only receive a certificate of completion if he/she has a 70% attendance record.

Students on all post-secondary courses are not obligated to complete the final exam.

7. Terms and Conditions for Course Cancellation

Up-to-date prices for all post-secondary courses can be seen on the school’s website.

Course fees must be paid no later than three days before the start of the course.

Course fees do not include textbooks.

Course fees may only be refunded if the student is seriously ill or has suffered an injury preventing the student from attending lessons over a long period of time (this must be accompanied by a certificate from the doctor’s). In addition, the student may have his/her course fees reimbursed if during the application period to a post-secondary course the student is accepted into university. Again, this must be supported by a letter of acceptance from the university. A student may also have his/her course fees reimbursed if the respective course is not available and an agreement on moving to another course is not reached.

On the other hand, a student may not claim reimbursement of his/her course fees if the student has for however long or whatever reason been absent from the course or is unsatisfied with the lesson times. In the latter case, the student can resolve the issue at the school office.

8. Final Provisions

The publication of a new set of school regulations invalidates any previous school regulations. PELICAN Language School reserves the right to make any changes to this document. PELICAN Language School’s regulations come into effect on the 31.8.2019 and is valid for the duration of the 2019/20 academic year

In Brno 25. April 2019

Ratified by the School Management.
